In a heart-wrenching and ultimately triumphant tale from Savannah, Georgia, Matt and Danielle Davis experienced a rollercoaster of emotions after a tragic accident tested the limits of their love and resilience. Just seven months into their marriage, Matt was critically injured in a motorcycle accident, leaving him in a coma and on life support.
The accident occurred in 2010, and doctors soon approached Danielle with grim news. They advised her to consider removing Matt from life support, explaining that there was a “90 percent chance” he would never wake up. “They said that if it was them, they would pull the plug. That’s what they’d want their family to do,” Danielle recounted to WTOC.
Despite the medical recommendations, Danielle refused to give up hope. “I knew that God could get us through that. I didn’t think that it was too big for God,” she said. At just 24 years old, Danielle faced an unimaginable decision and chose to stand by her husband. She had only been dating Matt, then 23, for two months before they got married.
After Matt was discharged from the hospital, still in a coma, Danielle moved back into her mother’s house to provide the round-the-clock care he needed. She and her mother became Matt’s primary caregivers during this challenging time. For three long months, Matt remained in a coma, showing no signs of waking up.
Then, miraculously, Matt began to show signs of life. He started following Danielle and her mother with his eyes, a small but significant indication of his awareness. As time passed, he began to communicate in small ways. Danielle described his progress on their GoFundMe page, noting the incredible strides Matt had made since the accident.
“It’s been 3 1/2 years since Matt’s accident and he continues to improve! He is not on any medications, he walks with forearm crutches for minimal distance and supervision,” she wrote. Despite these remarkable achievements, they faced ongoing challenges. Insurance would no longer cover Matt’s therapy, which was crucial for his recovery from a traumatic brain injury (TBI).
“People with Traumatic Brain Injury need a lot of rehab, people continue to make improvements even 10 years after their injury. Insurance doesn’t pay for the amount of therapy they need so oftentimes that person doesn’t reach their full potential,” Danielle explained. The cost of continued therapy became a significant hurdle in Matt’s rehabilitation journey.
As Matt began to regain more abilities, the couple’s relationship entered a new phase. Matt’s long-term memory remained impaired, and he couldn’t remember Danielle from before the crash. Despite this, their bond grew stronger. “I’m sure glad I married her,” Matt told ABC News, expressing his deep appreciation for Danielle’s unwavering support and love.
The couple’s story garnered widespread attention, and their GoFundMe page became a testament to the power of community support. People from all walks of life were inspired by their perseverance and donated to help fund Matt’s ongoing therapy.
Danielle’s refusal to give up on Matt, despite overwhelming odds, highlights the profound impact of faith, love, and determination. Her belief that their ordeal was not “too big for God” proved to be a guiding light through the darkest moments. The journey was far from easy, but it was filled with small victories that paved the way for Matt’s gradual recovery.
Matt’s progress continued to be remarkable. He learned to walk again, albeit with the assistance of forearm crutches for short distances. The medications that were once a staple of his daily routine became a thing of the past. While the journey to full recovery was ongoing, the couple faced it together, their love and commitment serving as the foundation for their perseverance.
The Davis’ story serves as a powerful reminder of the human spirit’s resilience and the extraordinary lengths to which love can go. Danielle’s decision to keep fighting for Matt, against all medical advice, changed the course of their lives. Their journey underscores the importance of hope and the belief that miracles can happen, even in the face of daunting odds.
As they navigate the challenges of recovery, Matt and Danielle continue to inspire others with their story of hope, love, and unwavering determination. Their experience is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the boundless power of love.